Then and Now:
A Comparison of Land Use

Fourth Grade
Teacher's Guide
Wichita Photo Archives

Student Activity Page | Overview | Demonstration to Students | Step 1-Analyzing | Step 2-Comparing | Step 3-Optional Activity
Scoring Rubric |
Standards and Benchmarks | Time and Materials
| Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans


"Then and Now" teaches students to develop analytical skills by using
the Wichita Photo Archives website and other online resources.

The Wichita Photo Archives website contains over 1000 images of Wichita people, places, and events spanning 150 years.

Equipment (Use any or all of these options):

Data projector with Internet access
Individual personal computers
Printed copies of photographs downloaded from website.

Students will:

Analyze a photograph from the Wichita Photo Archives website.
Compare “Then” and “Now” photos from the website.
Write a conclusion about changes in land use over time.


A scoring rubric is provided for assessing student work.


Go to Demonstration to Students.

Student Activity Page | Overview | Demonstration to Students | Step 1-Analyzing | Step 2-Comparing | Step 3-Optional Activity
Scoring Rubric |
Standards and Benchmarks | Time and Materials
| Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans