High School
Teacher's Guide
Wichita Photo Archives

Student Assignment | Overview | Step 1 - Demonstration to Students | Step 2 - Analyzing and Comparing
Step 3 - Creating an Exhibit | Scoring Rubric | Social Studies Standards | Resources | Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans


“Facts and Photos” allows students to use analytical and
research skills to create an exhibit with material found in the

Photo Archives website and other online resources.

The Wichita Photo Archives website contains over 1000 images of Wichita people, places, and events spanning 150 years.

Equipment (Use either or both of these options):

Data projector with Internet access
Individual personal computers

Students will:

Analyze photographs from the Wichita Photo Archives website.
Select photographs from the website that illustrate an aspect of life in Wichita.
Write interpretive labels that develop the theme and compare or contrast the content of the photographs.
Design and construct an exhibit that includes photographs and appropriate labels.
Present their findings to the class.

Students may:

Examine other online and print resources.


A scoring rubric is provided for assessing student work.


Go to Lesson Plan Step 1: Demonstrating the Wichita Photo Archives Website.

Student Assignment | Overview | Step 1 - Demonstration to Students | Step 2 - Analyzing and Comparing
Step 3 - Creating an Exhibit | Scoring Rubric | Social Studies Standards | Resources | Wichita Photo Archives Lesson Plans